Who is best with MySQL? R or Perl or Python: A benchmark
I really surprised to see R talks better with MySQL than Perl or Python!!!... I thought R might be slow in querying MySQL database. But I have a different answer here. Following is the code used for this demo. R script: library(RMySQL) test <- function(){ con <- dbConnect("MySQL", host="genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu", user ="genome", dbname = "hg18") rs <- dbGetQuery(con, "select name, chromEnd from snp129 where chrom='chr1' and chromStart between 1 and 1e8;") return(rs) dbClearResult(rs) dbDisconnect(con) } print(system.time(test())) user system elapsed 0.372 0.039 25.729 R took 25.729 seconds to retrieve half million records. Python script: f...